Dear Daddy

June 19, 2015

To the man that cradled me in my sleep, the man that wipes away my tears, the man that worked hard behind-the-scenes to make my education possible, thank you. Words will never be enough to thank you for everything, but let me recount the reasons why I love you. After all, Father’s Day is not just a day for Dad’s to get spoiled with attention, and shower you with mugs, ties, and special meals; instead let me tell you why I love you.

For helping me reach for the stars

I always looked up to you, both figuratively and literally. When I was a lot younger, and we were waiting around for the parade on the street, deep in the sea of people, I remember you lifting me on your shoulders as I watched with awe from the best seat in the crowd.

From then on, I knew that you would always lift me up, especially when I’m at my lowest.

For teaching me that strength is more than physicality

Every parent works long and hard to give their kids the best, your worked tirelessly to give me the life you believe I deserved. What made you special was that, even if you had a tiring day you still managed to play hide and seek with me until mama said that it was my bedtime. At the end of the day, there was nothing that warmed your heart more than seeing me smile.

You taught me how to harness my strength; especially for those you love the most.

For teaching me how to be brave

You took me to my very first day of school; you felt how much I wanted to burst into tears that morning, because I was afraid that you would leave me, but you hugged me tight and reminded me that you would be back for me. At the end of the day, I ran to you and I joyously told you about everything I learned.

You taught me that arming myself with love and belief would make me a great warrior.

For believing in me, when no one else didn’t

Remember when I told you that I wanted to be the next president? And when I suddenly wanted to become an artist, then a teacher…and then a doctor. You always assured me that I could achieve anything, even if I didn’t become any of those things. As I grew older, my dreams and goals changed, but your support was constant.

I learned that your voice of encouragement is louder than the screams of doubt in my head.

You have definitely cared more than enough for me, and it’s high time I give back. Let me be the one to protect you through the gift of health insurance. It may not be the ideal gift for some, but I only wish to show you how much you mean to me by insuring you for the future. I want to ease your burden of worry, because now I understand how deserving you are. This is my way of thanking you; it’s my turn to care for the special man in my life. Remember that as you grow older, my love for you will only grow stronger.

That is how much you mean to me, because you should feel special, all year round.
