After Graduation, What Now?

April 22, 2016

After four years of hard work you have finally graduated. Your thesis, internship, and graded recitations are finally over. As soon as you grasp that diploma your parents, and relatives began to ask you “Ano na plano mo pagkatapos?”.

The pressure is on.

You can’t help but feel tense; you try to get ideas from your former classmates, what are they doing? If you feel like you’ve run out of options, we’ve listed a few ideas you can try out.

Rest for a few months

You deserve that hard-earned vacation. You deserve to lounge around for those days that have turned into nights of cramming. If you try to work right after graduation, the usual fear is you might end up feeling burned out.

You travel with your friends or your family to see the world, or you can just stay at home, binge watch your favorite show. You can also choose to take some short courses or seminars while resting. What matters is that you enjoy yourself.

Find a job right away

You may want to earn your own money right away. Sometimes, the mere idea of just lounging around at home seems boring to you, making you want to put that diploma to work right away.

Getting a head start in the work force may keep you ahead and give you an edge among other candidates. You end up learning new skills while developing the skills you already have.

Invest in yourself

Do you have any savings? Hopefully, by now you have at least a significant amount of money saved up. Enough to travel? Enough for a hospital confinement? Enough to support yourself?

Being young can either be an advantage or disadvantage, it all depends as to how you see it. While you’re young it is better to be prepared, that means you are ahead of everyone and that you have a better chance of cushioning yourself from an emergency.

With insurance, you have many options, with the types of insurance that you can choose from. Health insurance and comprehensive insurance aims to help you combat the effects of sudden hospitalization to get you more out of your savings. Plus, the younger you are the cheaper your premium.

Whatever you may choose remember that your future is in your hands. You decide what to do next with your life.
