How Going Digital Can Help Save Your Life

April 9, 2021

Kaya ang pagsalin-salin nito sa iba’t-ibang mga kamay ay maaaring makapagdala at makapagkalat ng bacteria at viruses.

Can It Help Make You Healthier?

April 2, 2021

Some research shows a connection between your beliefs and your sense of well being.

The COVID Lockdown Anniversary

March 19, 2021

The pandemic has considerably impacted the lives of millions of people worldwide. Aside from physical health, other people’s mental and emotional well-being have also been greatly compromised.

Women and Insurance

March 12, 2021

Most women in the Philippines do a balancing act between their careers, aspirations and other responsibilities.

Understanding Body Shaming and Real Health

March 5, 2021

Body shaming is not entirely new but social media has taken it to a different level.