Holiday Heart Hero: Know the Signs, Save a Life

December 29, 2023

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During this festive time of year, when we get together with family and friends, nobody wants to think about tragedy. However, the shocking statistics regarding heart attack deaths over the holidays are sobering to the holiday spirit. 

According to research, more people die during the last week of December than at any other time of the year. Although the exact triggers for this increased risk are unknown, it is likely a combination of different factors, mainly because the holiday season is a time for ”excess” for many people. Individuals typically consume more alcohol and eat larger servings of richer, saltier foods. They may neglect their medication routines and healthy behaviors as they are too preoccupied to finish the tasks on their to-do list. Additionally, they are more likely to put off visiting a doctor if they do experience worrying cardiac symptoms to avoid interrupting their holiday plans. All of these factors may combine to provide the perfect storm for a heart attack.

In the face of a crisis, it is important to act fast since every second counts during a medical emergency. Here are a few early warning signs and symptoms to be aware of:

Chest pains

Feeling weak or lightheaded

Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or back

Pain or discomfort in one or both arms or shoulders 

Shortness of breath

If you think someone you know is having a heart attack, it is best to call for immediate help. The sooner you visit an emergency room, the sooner you can get treatment. Medical staff at the hospital can do tests to determine the best course of action and whether a heart attack is occurring. However, if the person is unconscious and not breathing, proceed with CPR to keep blood flowing. Start with 30 chest compressions, followed by rescue breaths. Repeat the process until an ambulance or automated external defibrillator (AED) arrives.

In case of any unexpected scenarios, the PrimeHealth Cash Plan provides affordable medical and life insurance, so you can be worry-free in the event of a heart attack. Go to for additional information.

