A Safe New Year’s Eve: Fireworks Injury Prevention

December 29, 2022

love and realationship

Out with the old, in with the new.


All around the world, we celebrate New Year’s Eve as a way to say goodbye to the past as we welcome a new, exciting year ahead. Whether it’s a simple gathering with the family or a festive night at a countdown party, it’s a tradition all around the world to 


How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve?


Baby, you’re a firework!


One thing that you’ll always see during New Year’s celebrations is the loud, bright, and colorful explosion of fireworks. There’s a common superstition amongst Filipinos that when you light up fireworks at the start of the year, you’ll attract fortune and prosperity.


But fireworks can also be a safety hazard, especially if done unsupervised or by non-professionals. Here’s how you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe while still ending the year with a bang:

love and realationship


1. Keep the children away.

Kids love to play with things and their curiosity often leads them to trouble. Be sure to keep any kind of pyrotechnics away from children, no matter their size. If they want to enjoy the fireworks display, you can accompany your child and watch from a safe distance.


2. Wear masks.

The leftover smoke and dust from fireworks can often trigger those with respiratory ailments. If you or a loved one is suffering from asthma, be sure to keep a mask on when outdoors.


3. Have hearing protection ready.

Fireworks can exceed 150 decibels and cause immediate hearing damage. If you have ear muffs, ear plugs, or noise-canceling headphones, keep them nearby just in case you or a family member is sensitive to loud noise.


4. Know your safety precautions.

Fireworks are unpredictable. They’ve led to countless accidents and injuries, so it’s best to always be safe. Have ready access to a bucket of water, fire extinguisher, or a garden hose should anything happen during your celebration.


Make protection a priority.


Mishandling fireworks can result in accidents which may lead to hospitalizations or confinements. Protect yourself before it’s too late.


Paramount Direct has a wide range of health plans that will protect you and your loved ones in case of an unexpected hospital confinement. These plans are designed for ages 20 up to 75 years old and to reimburse you for the money you spent for your medical expenses.

Don’t let health hazards and injuries keep you from enjoying the festivities. Give yourself the health protection that you and your loved ones need.
