5 Things to Remember When Breastfeeding

August 3, 2018

It is proven that breastfeeding is the best way to provide the nutrients that your child needs. Doing this for six months, your child will achieve optimal growth, good health and proper development that is why the World Health Organization is continuously doing tremendous education campaigns about it.

Aside from the benefits to your child, breastfeeding also makes the mothers healthy. It reduces the risk of diseases such as breast and ovarian cancer.

When you decide to breastfeed your child, make sure that you stay committed. It is a huge responsibility and not at all easy.  There will be challenges and frustrations that you have to go through, but the results are rewarding.

Here are the five things that you should bear in mind as you take on the responsibility of breastfeeding:

  1. Find a support group - Having a support group will inspire you to keep doing what you have started. You could make new friends, ask questions, receive good pieces of advice from more experienced mothers, and get tips on how to increase your breast milk.

  1. Self-educate - We now have have easy access to all the videos and information online. What is the perfect latch,  different and correct ways of positioning your baby for latching, how to store freshly expressed milk without contaminating it, and a lot more.

  1. Be patient - One of the many frustrations you may encounter is when you don’t have enough breast milk supply. Don’t panic because there are a lot of techniques on how to increase it. Just make sure that your baby gets the colostrum few hours after you gave birth. Colostrum is the yellow liquid that comes out from your nipples. It contains amazing properties that helps nourish your baby during the first days of his life.

  1. Stay calm - Your baby can feel your emotions. He knows when you are sad or anxious. So, before nursing your baby make sure that you are in a calm state. Sit or lie in a relaxed position. Focus on your baby and stop worrying about anything else.  Enjoy that bond which only you and your baby will experience because you will definitely miss it when it’s time to wean him out.

  1. Eat healthy - When you are breastfeeding, eat more nutritious and balanced food so you can produce a healthy breast milk, and drink tons of water.

Studies show that breast milk does not only make your child healthy but it increases his IQ too!

Children who are breastfed for up to 12 months show more interest in education thus increasing their intelligence until adulthood.

Don’t waste your child’s intelligence. Lack of funds for education may disrupt his bright future and you don’t want it to happen. Start planning today.

Paramount Direct introduces Dream College Plan that is designed for parents with children from 1 month to 10 years old.  This product provides College Cash Benefit, a Guaranteed Graduation Gift, Life Insurance and Contingent Benefit.

Your child receives the cash benefit twice a year, from age 17 until the age of 20, and may be used for his tuition, books or even daily allowance.

To apply or for more information, you may call our hotline at 772-9264 or visit the nearest branch in your area.

Remember that the best act a mother can do at the beginning of her child’s life is to provide the best nutrition possible through breastfeeding but follow it through by giving your child the best education he deserves.
